Friday, March 25, 2011


On a fine Saturday evening, a not so peaceful one since they're loads of assignments to do, I found myself sitting at my laptop, drawing with my precious drawing tablet. Geesh, I need to be aware of my time management. Doing my assignments last minute means getting less beauty sleep (lol on this one kekeke..)

Anyways, it is so fun trying things out with my drawing tablet. One day I'll be a professional manga artist for sure! Dream big, Atie, dream big (^ ^)v

Click on image to view bigger


  1. Lol yeah~ Dream big! Who knows one day you might make it <3
    btw, that's a cute drawing >w<b
    I know what you mean about drawing things first and doing assignments later~ Birds of a feather, we are

  2. Hahaha.. who knows one day we'll get as famous as to held a press conference together! lol
    Thanks. I think this drawing is cute too~~!!
    kekeke.. that's right. which is why we're BFFs! haha.. this is SO self-claimed.

  3. ooooo now i know *reports to mum* kehehe
    ati comel la lukis, npe xcolor skali XD
    nani pun ada buat lukisan gak tpi traditional way la
    no tablet maa~

  4. haha.. report la, x takut p0wn~~
    mmg sngaja xnk kaler, nnti jd mcm lukisan budak2 tadika, coz atie x pndai kaler2.
    hehe.. traditional way pn lama maaa~~ jom kita teruskn usaha!

  5. lol I don't wanna hold a press conference. It's scary. An interview is just fine nguhahaha
    You're welcome.
    Good point. Maybe that's why we have so many common interests lol.
    Draw more and maybe you can look into developing your colouring? I can help a bit if you want.

  6. haha.. weird.. i thought you don't mind some popularity.
    oh, i really think i need to improve on my colouring too~~ i suck at it. please help me, sensei. kekeke.. this reminds me that i used to call you sensei before. back then my degree of respect was a little bit higher. lol.
